Tax Services

Accountiviti Tax Planning & Preparation Services are designed to help you to take advantage of  qualified IRS deductions legally! Are you confident you’re taking advantage of every tax break you deserve? The world is full of tax preparers who can put the “right” numbers in the right boxes on the right forms by the right deadlines. But what are they doing to make sure you get all the breaks you deserve? When was the last time your tax preparer came to you and said “here’s an idea I think will save you money?”

Which of these tax mistakes are you making?

Wrong business entity?
Wrong retirement plan?
Missing car/truck deductions?
Missing medical benefits?
Missing family employment?
Missing home office?
Missing meals/entertainment?

It doesn’t matter how good your tax accountant is with a stack of receipts on March 15 and April 15. If you didn’t know you could set up a Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan and write off your daughter’s braces as a business expense, by then it’s too late. You have to act now!

Accountiviti can help you to prepare your corporate and personal tax returns for less. Therefore, call us at 617-868-7070 to speak to one of our Tax Accountants.

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